An Introduction.

An Introduction.

Dear Readers — welcome to The Hofstra Clocktower.

Outside the Mack Student Center, hovering above the heads of bustling students, a clocktower stands proud and tall. At night, the glow of the tower’s face illuminates the path home. In rain and snow, the clock keeps ticking.  

The clocktower is our namesake because it is a reminder of our core values. We aim to be timely and consistent. We seek to do our jobs despite the circumstances.  We aspire to become a part of the Hofstra community, and be something that people know they can rely upon.

In response to chaotic times wrought upon us, we wanted to come together to demand accountability and empower other student journalists to do the same.  Therefore, we founded The Hofstra Clocktower. This space serves as a media outlet for Hofstra students to produce investigative, narrative, experimental and multi-media stories that make a difference in our community. In doing so, we pursue excellence in journalism and endeavor to make the world around us a better place. We are the answer to the question:



Sarah Emily Baum

Leo Brine

Amudalat Ajasa

Athena Dawson

Daniel Cody

Anti-Semitic Carvings Found In Hofstra Dorm During Jewish Holidays

Anti-Semitic Carvings Found In Hofstra Dorm During Jewish Holidays

More Reporting Coming Soon...

More Reporting Coming Soon...