Preparing to vote, an upcoming town hall, and celebrating Diwali

Preparing to vote, an upcoming town hall, and celebrating Diwali

BY: Adallis Pantry and URVI GANDHI

Your insider guide to the Hofstra Pride. What students really need to know. 

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1. Get ready to vote this election season

As elections quickly approach, various clubs and organizations on campus are hosting events and talks in order to prepare students. On Thursday, Nov. 3, the University Senate Student Affairs Committee will be collaborating with multicultural clubs on campus, such as the NAACP, Black Student Union, Hofstra’s Organization of Latin Americas, Middle Eastern North African Students Association, Caribbean Students Association, African Student Association and NARI (Hofstra’s South Asian Women’s Alliance), in order to inform BIPOC students on campus on how to vote safely and make their voices heard.

2. Upcoming SGA town hall

In collaboration with student affairs, SGA is currently planning a student town hall in order to grant students a forum to air their grievances about Hofstra. The town hall is projected to take place at the end of this month but may be pushed back due to the availability of students this holiday season. Students are urged to come prepared with any questions and concerns they may have about the upcoming semesters at Hofstra. More information will be announced soon.

3. Celebrate Diwali with the Hofstra community

This Friday, Nov. 4, Hofstra’s South Asian Student Association will be hosting their second annual Diwali festival in collaboration with Hofstra’s South Asian Dance Team and Hofstra’s Sikh Student Association. The event will take place at HofUSA at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are being sold in the student center until Thursday, Nov. 3. Hofstra students and non-Hofstra students are welcome to attend, and formal dress is required.

4. Dance marathon raises awareness

This Saturday, Nov. 5, Hofstra’s Dance Marathon Board will be hosting a fundraiser centered around raising awareness and money for the Cohen Children’s Medical Center. Students can pay a fee to form teams and participate in fun games throughout the day. They will also be selling baked goods and in the student center throughout the week for Children’s Miracle Network.

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